While working on any project, it is important to hold meetings to connect with team members and track the individual and collective progress rate. These regular meetings are really helpful in increasing the effectiveness of any team over time.
The meetings are also very handy to decide the team agenda for the day and coming days. Meetings also contribute a great deal in highlighting the importance of commitment to the work.
What Is a Scrum Standup Meeting?
A Scrum Standup Meeting is held on each Sprint Day to discuss the day’s progress and highlight the issues. The meeting is mostly held in the morning to discuss and decide the work agenda using some common questions.
In a Scrum stand-up meeting, the software team members come together to review each member’s progress in the project and to deal with the issues he might be facing.
The meeting is usually short, time-bound, and brief. Moreover, it is held earlier to discuss the matters and to set the standard commitments of the day. The meeting time is often 15 minutes which means it is concise, crisp, and to the point.
Keeping the time short is also advantageous because it keeps the team from wasting time on important matters. The ongoing discussion is precise but it strictly remains pertinent to the subject.
Difference Between Scrum Standup and Ordinary Meetings:

You might wonder about the difference between an ordinary meeting and a Scrum Standup meeting. The answer is simple. Regular or ordinary meetings are more like a status report but Scrum Standup meetings are short and time-boxed.
Another difference is that these meetings are not issue-resolving, unlike ordinary meetings. Although the hurdles are discussed they are dealt with separately. In a Scrum Stand-up Meeting, the issues are highlighted but they are then taken offline. The relevant group takes on the task and attempts to solve the issue on their own.
Daily meetings are all about taking work updates and pointing the members lagging behind. However, in Scrum Standup meetings, only those members who are appreciated for speaking are rather committed.
Common Scrum Standup Meeting Questions:
The most common questions discussed in a Scrum Standup meeting include:
- What did you work on yesterday?
- What are you working on today?
- What are the impediments on your way?
While the team members address and answer these questions, each and every member knows of every other member’s progress report, his work accomplishments, and his future work commitment.
Highlighting Progress and dealing with hurdles:
A Scrum Stand up meeting is aimed at every team member highlighting his work progress and highlighting the issues he might be facing.
For example:
I worked on developing a bugged software yesterday.
Today, I plan to outline the specs and develop raw software.
However, I am struggling with my access to some software or I am short of help in developing this software, etc.
From the above examples, we have developed some simple answers to make you understand the basics of this meeting.
After listening to one team member, you just move to the next attendee to keep it short, brisk, and concise.
Benefits of a Scrum Standup Meeting:
With each team member discussing the work progress and commitment, the meeting is helpful in keeping the spirit of the organization. This exercise is also beneficial in letting other members know of the contribution of the members to the organization.
Some other advantages of Scrum Standup meeting can be summarized as:
- Keep up the energy and spirit
- Team members get to connect with one another
- As these meetings are short, they are more to the point
- With the meeting more relevant, they are more effective than regular meetings because they discuss the important matters only.
Tips To Make Scrum Standup Meetings More Fruitful:
Let us look into some more tips that can help us in making this meeting session more fruitful. These tips include:
- Rotation to keep everyone invested. Try to be as inclusive as possible in these Scrum Stand up meetings. You can cut the size of the members to keep everyone accountable and involved. The more the teams, the more the rotations. This will help your meetings to be more effective.
- Although the meetings are time-boxed, you can adjust the time according to the ease of team members. It is often recommended to select the time from 9-10:00 am.
- Try to be more professional. With the Scrum master being strict and relevant to the work agenda, the meetings result in more bearing more effective results.
- Time management is also crucial. Although the meeting time is short, it requires every member to be present on time. Your arrival, your participation, etc. matter a lot in managing the time.
- Try to be inclusive. This implies that a team member is supposed to address all the attendees during the meeting.
- Try to include remote employees as well. You can adjust the time schedule to hold a separate meeting for remote team members.
Thus, a Scrum Standup meeting is held by Scrum Masters to keep everyone aligned on one page. To make sure that team members know of each other’s progress rate and their commitments.
That’s everything from our side on scrum standup meeting questions. We hope this post will help you make the most of the meetings.
In case of any queries, write to us at fwilson@ntaskmanager.com.